Over the Past 5 Years


housing units supported

+ over a dozen commercial properties

$7 million

loaned to emerging developers


estimated social impact per housing unit

= 212% return on investment

Outcomes of Land Bank Twin Cities Involvement

Icon of a house with a bar graph running through it.

Stabilize Property Values

Revitalizing neighborhoods and maintaining community assets

Icon of three buildings with slanted roofs

Leverage Investment for Economic Growth

Catalyzing economic growth through strategic partnerships

Icon of three people inside inter-connected circles.

Further Racial Equity

Promoting inclusive community development

Icon of paper bills.

Promote Lasting Affordability

Ensuring long-term accessible housing options

Icon of a leaf.

Support Climate Resilience and Sustainability

Fostering climate resilience and green initiatives

The Big Picture

Check out this handy pdf for a more detailed breakdown of our process and outcomes.

Case Studies