1041 Selby Avenue

Partnership with Rondo Community Land Trust

We're proud to share that Land Bank Twin Cities (LBTC) is facilitating the transfer of 1041 Selby Avenue to Rondo Community Land Trust (Rondo CLT). LBTC acquired this historic 7,835.
east facade with new entry

Alliance Closing

Land Bank Twin Cities is proud to highlight our pivotal role in ensuring the Kyle Square Garden conversion project – an Alliance Housing development that might not have been possible.
Arts & Tech Jewel coming to St. Paul’s Eastside

Arts & Tech Jewel coming to St. Paul’s Eastside

Rendering: Studio BV Land Bank Twin Cities acquired the property at 1351 Arcade St. on behalf of our partner, 30,000 Feet. The new building, a sustainably designed 13,500-square-foot facility, will.
Land Bank President Aarica L. Coleman

Land Bank New President Announcement

We are excited to announce our new president, Aarica L. Coleman! She is an economic redevelopment expert with 20 years of experience leading large-scale projects.

Victoria Theater Arts Center

Victoria Theater Arts Center Pays off Mortgage

Congratulations to our partner, the Victoria Theater Arts Center, on officially paying off its mortgage 14 years after the community stepped in to save it from demolition!